Feature Set // iOS App

Review the list of features available in the latest version of the MultiTimer application.
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We offer the most extensive range of standard features for a timer-application

❯ Timer History

History is a special section of the application in which all actions that the user performs with their timer or other tool are recorded.

The section is available both in the basic (free) version of the application, and in the enhanced version of the application, which has an activated Pro upgrade.

The timer history capabilities are limited in the free version of the application: the data are available only until the next start of the timer. The next start of the timer will clear all previous records. However, the Pro update removes the limitation on recording and storing all timer operation data. 

The features of the History section without limitations:

So that:

1. To edit the list of records, you should:
- Tap the 'Edit' button in the top right.
- Tick the checkbox of the record you want to delete.
- Tap the 'Delete' button in the lower right.

To clear the whole history, you should tap the 'Edit' button in the upper left, then tap 'Select all' in the lower left, and then 'Delete' in the right of the page footer.

2. To see the record details, you should:
Click on the record you are interested in. After that, the record detail page opens right away.

3. To leave a comment on a record, you should:
Click on the record, going to the Details page, at the top of which there is a field for entering comments.

4. To export the History page, you should:
Tap the 'Share' button, which is located next to the 'Edit' button at the page header, then choose the share option.

The timer history is exported to a csv file format.

Important notes:

CSV file: A CSV (comma-separated values) file is a text file that has a specific format which allows data to be saved in a table structured format.

What's New:


When the autorepeat countdown function is enabled, the timer operation automatically resumes as soon as the countdown reaches zero.

The 'Auto-repeat' function can only be found in the Countdown timer settings. The function is located on the 'Time' page. Other types of timers do not have this feature.

To enable the function, you should turn on the switch that is opposite the 'Auto-repeat' item.

Important notes:

#1 IOS limits the number of scheduled notifications up to 64. Therefore, the user needs to run the app to continue receiving notifications when they get notified with the notification "You should run the app to continue receiving notifications".

#2 In case the timer has the 'Auto-repeat' function enabled, the 'Autocompletion' feature is deactivated and the switch turns into gray or green-gray.

What's New:

The function has been moved from the general timer settings page to the timer Time settings page.

Delayed Start

The 'Delayed Strat' function is a kind of additional timer in the main timer's operating system. It is used to delay the main timer by a specified amount of time or to a certain point in the future.

It is also used to adjust the start time of the main timer in cases where the timer should have started before the current time.

When the delayed start finishes, the main timer will start automatically.

Setting and starting the function is performed after clicking the 'Delay' button in the pop-up context menu of the timer.

The delayed start can be configured according to the following parameters (tabs): Delay time, Date and time of the main timer start, Date and time of the main timer end.

Timer types that support the function: Countdown, CountUp, Interval timer, Stepped timer.

Important notes:

The function can be used to adjust the timer time that was not started on time. To do this, use the 'Start Date' tab, where you specify the day and the exact start time of the timer. After pressing the 'Start' button, the function will automatically calculate the remaining timer time.

In case 'Autocompletion' function is disabled in the timer, the timer will show the time that has elapsed since the main timer ended.

What's New:

Added the following tabs: Start date and End date

Board Layout

The application has a section called the Edit Board Panel - an element of the application's graphical interface that hosts other feature elements or feature sections.

The Edit Board Panel has a 'Layout' feature section.

This feature helps the user to configure a virtual grid, which sets the rules for placing timers and other tools onto the board.

Adaptive layout and Fixed layout are available in the basic (free) version of the application.

Timers placed on a board with an adaptive layout are automatically distributed over its entire area, changing their size in proportion to the number of timers, that is, the more timers on the board, the smaller the timer size.

In contrast to the adaptive layout, the fixed layout requires presetting. The user sets what number of objects will be vertically and horizontally, thus determining the maximum number of timers on the board.

The Pro version of the application lets users to use the third option of layout - Flexible one.

All timers line up in one central line, pecking at each other, after selecting the Flexible layout option. The user can then move the timers to any location on the board and resize the timer arbitrarily.

To move the timer on the board, the user should lightly press the timer and immediately pull it to the desired location, then release it. The timer is resized with 2 fingers using the 'Pinch' and 'Spread' gestures.

Important notes:

#1 The layout that has been applied in the Edit Board Panel is marked with a dot at the bottom.

#2 If the user changes the size of the Fixed layout from a larger to a smaller size, some of the timers are hidden on the board. To make the timers available again, you must return the layout settings to the previous settings or increase the size of the fixed layout.

#3 Timers can overlap when using the Flexible layout.

What's New:

Added a grid of cells to make it easier to place timers on the board.


A feature that lets you to create partially automated simultaneous actions with multiple timers: start, pause, stop and others within the same board or on different boards without having to navigate to those boards or timers.

There are two ways to create commands:

1. Side Navigation Menu.

2. Edit Board Panel

Important notes:

What's New:

The function will not be supported in the near future and will be replaced by the Button function.

Board Export

Using the 'Export' function, the user opens up the possibility to save boards with the tools located on them, to share the board and timer settings with another users, and to exchange timers between iOS and Android versions of the app.

To export boards, you should:

Important notes:

When you select the boards you want to save, you get one file.

This file is readable by the iOS and Android app.

When you click this file in emails or messages on the device where the app resides, you will receive a pop-up notification that asks you to "Import this file into the MultiTimer app." By agreeing to import the file, you will immediately get the boards and timers installed.

What's New:

The export file has been improved for both iOS and Android imports.


The 'Web' or 'WebShare' function creates a special link (URL) that can be copied and pasted into a web browser. After that, the timer board on which the function has been activated becomes available for viewing via a web browser.

To activate the feature, the user needs to:

- Open the board's edit panel - click the button in the upper right.

- Press the 'Web' button.

- Click the 'Open Access' button in the pop-up.

- Click the link or on the button next to the link to share it.

When the function is activated, the link/chain icon appears in the lower left corner of the board.

Important notes:

The feature only allows you to monitor timers through a web browser, not control them.

Clicking the function button in the lower left corner of the board opens the 'WebShare' window to manage the function.

What's New:

The function window has been updated: new buttons allowing you to create a new link, share a link, or update a link have been added.